Tami Gouveia

Tami Gouveia is a Democrat running for State Representative for the 14th Middlesex District which contains parts of Acton, Carlisle, Chelmsford, and Concord. Gouveia is a progressive who has supported many ballot initiatives and progressive causes in Massachusetts politics and helped organize the Massachusetts delegation to the 2016 DC Women’s March. In her own words,

“Tami Gouveia is a progressive Democrat with a solid record of working to ensure that people have what they need to achieve their fullest potential. She was first inspired to run for elected office as a volunteer for Senator Ted Kennedy’s 1995 campaign against Mitt Romney. Tami has spent the last 25 years fighting for equality and opportunity for all. On Beacon Hill, Tami will advocate for: single payer healthcare, 100% renewable energy and environmental protections, a living wage and paid family leave, investments in education, investments in transportation, criminal justice reform, a strong social safety net for our communities’ most vulnerable, and getting corporate money out of politics.”


Contact Information:

Email- [email protected]

Phone- 978-844-6870

Volunteer Sign-up Pagehttps://tamigouveia.us18.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=e331698f349ca1c56f5b96860&id=d45aba7392



Donation Pagehttps://secure.actblue.com/donate/tamigouveia





Year Endorsed: 2018

Candidate Won