Marie McCourt

Marie McCourt is a progressive Democrat running for the 2nd Hampshire District. Marie has a long history of advocacy and community service, having worked locally and nationally for over 20 years. Employed as an assistant program director for grant-funded after-school programs, McCourt manages 13 staff and oversees an additional 125 personnel. She is also responsible for providing technical support, data analysis, and grant management. It is her involvement with past advocacy and the grant-funded program that led her interest in advocacy and politics. This led her to The Leadership Institute for Political and Public Impact (LIPPI), which is a non-partisan initiative for the Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts, which is designed to provide women in this region with the training and support needed to become powerful and effective civic leaders and equips women to become civic leaders in their communities, to impact policy on the local, state, and national levels, and to seek and hold on to elected positions. After LIPPI, McCourt ran for select board and lost. Then in the next election was elected to the school committee and began the first of several terms as chair of the Democratic Town Committee.

Active in her community, Marie joined the Granby Lions Club, where she served as president, is a member of the Charter Day Committee, and currently serves on the executive board and works as a volunteer for Neighbors Helping Neighbors Inc, a client-choice pantry that serves South Hadley and Granby residents dealing with food insecurity.

Marie’s main issue areas are education funding, elder and disability services, and food insecurity.


Contact Information:

Email- [email protected]

Phone- 413-342-1189

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Year Endorsed: 2o18

Candidate Lost