Michael Toole

12065825_1937898333102891_1216372748276565235_n.jpg Michael Toole 1st Bristol votetoole.com Mass Alliance was proud to endorse Michael Toole, who ran for House of Representatives from the 1st Bristol District. As a lifelong resident of Massachusetts, Michael Toole was raised with a sense of community and service. He believes that every person deserves a strong voice on Beacon Hill who will represent their interests and provide them with leadership. Michael is running for State Rep. to be an advocate to that said belief. For the last twelve years, working families have not had the representation in the 1st Bristol District that they need and deserve. Issues such as education, workers benefits, mental health services for children, and issues of equality are just some of the issues neglected far too long by the current representative. Michael Toole will fight for the working families of the 1st Bristol District to fully fund these issues in the state budget. Michael ran a great campaign that focused on these values, but unfortunately came up short in his race against incumbent Jay Barrows.

Year Endorsed: 2016
