Kim Janey

Kim Janey for Boston City Council, representing Roxbury, South End, Fenway, and Dorchester. For 20 years, Kim has been a voice for Boston’s children. As a community organizer and an education policy expert, Kim brings people together to get things done. Kim’s credibility stems from her consistency of activism and in getting results. With deep roots in Roxbury and strong ties in the South End, there is a long tradition of activism in my family. I’ve worked hard to give back, not only to my neighborhood, but to children, women, and families all across the city. As your City Councilor for District 7, I will continue that activism and fight every day for our community. Read Kim’s complete personal statement at


•                  What legislation have you been excited to be involved with/pass?

There are two pieces of legislation that I am very excited about and they are both connected to why I ran for office in the first place. The first would help tackle our housing crisis, and the second would move us forward in addressing the enormous wealth gap in Boston. The transfer fee home rule petition that I co-sponsored with Lydia Edwards would generate hundreds of millions of dollars that we could invest in the creation and preservation of affordable housing. My legislation to equitably regulate the cannabis industry creates an equity program and prioritizes local businesses from communities disproportionately impacted by the so-called War on Drugs, so that communities that were locked up, are not locked out of this billion industry.

  •  What did it mean to have Mass Alliance’s endorsement?

I was thrilled to have earned the endorsement of Mass Alliance! I was a first-time candidate in a hotly contested race, so it really meant a lot. The endorsement was extremely helpful because it came with strategic advice and volunteers to help our campaign connect with voters. The power of a Mass Alliance endorsement is in its membership of progressive organizations, who are actively engaged in the fights to protect working women and men, to address our housing crisis, to advocate for equitable education, and to preserve and expand our reproductive rights, and so many other important issues facing our community. The support of these organizations are not only critical during campaign seasons, they are absolutely necessary as we govern, whether partnering with us in coming up with solutions, or backing us in tough legislative fights, or just simply holding us accountable.

Endorsed in 2017


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Twitter: @Kim_Janey 

Contribute: ActBlue/KJ4D7web
