Joan Meschino
3rd Plymouth
Mass Alliance congratulates Joan Meschino in her win for the open seat for House of Representatives from the 3rd Plymouth District. Born and raised on the South Shore, Meschino has a deep understanding of the needs of the district and a clear vision of how to improve it.
Meschino put herself through Harvard University by working as a sternman on her father’s lobster boat. After graduating, she earned her JD from the University of New Hampshire School of Law. She has worked as an attorney in criminal defense and civil rights law, as well as in health care settings, public service, and nonprofit leadership.
Meschino has been a committed leader in her community throughout her life. She served for eight years as executive director of the Massachusetts Appleseed Center, a public interest law center that promotes equal rights and opportunities for all Massachusetts residents. She is a former Hull Selectman and current member of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and Metropolitan Beaches Commission. She is also a member of the Women’s Bar Association of Massachusetts’s Women’s Leadership Initiative and the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Access to Justice Section Council.
Meschino has spent her life as an advocate and will passionately represent the interests of everyone in her district.
Endorsed by Mass Alliance in 2016, 2018