Helen Moon

City Councilor Helen Moon is a registered nurse and the Director of Special Projects at the Office of the Berkshire District Attorney.  She has been a resident of Pittsfield since she moved here from Hampden County in 2009. 

Throughout her time in Boston, Moon has partnered with various organizations to impart lasting changes to the youth in Boston. In addition, Moon has contributed her time with Korean-American youth groups, as well as working weekly at a food pantry in Somerville. Known as Loaves and Fishes, the local food pantry distributed hot meals, groceries and conversation to homeless individuals, many of whom were veterans. 

It is her love of children and people, from all walks of life, that has lead Moon to travel abroad. She has spent summers in Oaxaca, Mexico, teaching English in youth summer camps. Another summer was spent in Cairo, Egypt where she participated in women’s empowerment groups. Probably her most impressionable trip was to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where she worked for a summer as the director of a Somalian refugee children’s summer program in 2007. It was there that she learned the meaning of leadership through service. While organizing a group of volunteer activists, Moon designed a summer camp for Somalian kids ranging from ages 5-18, with limited English abilities. Through her leadership, the refugee children participated in classes that included art, math, computer competency, English as a second language, and interpretive dances. 

With your help, Moon was elected to her first term as the Ward 1 City Councilor. She hopes to continue to utilize her skills in communication, collaboration, and critical thinking to listen to Ward 1 residents, and help shape the conversation for the future of Pittsfield. It is through her dedication to hard work, and her intersectional background, empowered by her life experiences that Moon asks for your vote for reelection as the Ward 1 City Councilor.

Donate: http://actblue.com/donate/helenmoonforcitycouncil

Candidate Won 

Year Endorsed: 2019