Chelsea Kline

Chelsea Sunday Kline is a progressive activist, higher education leader, and mother of three, running for State Senate to be a voice for Western Massachusetts. Chelsea’s district includes Worcester, Franklin and Hampshire counties. A graduate of Smith College and Harvard Divinity School, Chelsea is a higher education administrator and educator focusing on supporting non-traditional students. She leads several academic and leadership programs at Bay Path University in the American Women’s College, including the Women as Empowered Learners and Leaders program, the Leadership and Organizational Studies program, as well as the Arts and Humanities offerings. Chelsea is proud to mentor and hold up people of all genders, ages and backgrounds.

As a former teen mom juggling multiple jobs to try and make ends meet, Chelsea knows how difficult it can be for low-income people to stay above water.  Because of this, Chelsea has committed herself to continuing to support anti-poverty programs. Through volunteerism and advocacy, Chelsea supports people in need just as her community once did for her. Chelsea is a member of the Hampshire and Franklin County Commission on the Status of Women and girls, the Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts board of directors, and the Leadership Institute for Political and Public Impact advisory council. She also serves as a community religious advisor for Jewish students at Smith College. Chelsea lives in Northampton with her husband Greg and her three children.

Chelsea is running on a platform focused around education. Her central statement reads: “Public schools are the foundation of a more equitable, more engaged, and more compassionate society. That’s why we need to end high-stakes testing, focus on the whole child, empower educators, invest in our public schools, and support every child, regardless of their background or ability”.


Contact Information:

Email- [email protected] 

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Year Endorsed: 2018

Candidate Lost